Nina Dulai - Tutor

About Nina: Nina Dulai is a seasoned educator with 28 years of experience in the education sector. She has been an invaluable tutor at HRP Education for the past 14 months, bringing her extensive knowledge and passion for teaching to the team.

Passion: Nina is deeply passionate about enabling learners to achieve their potential and make progress in their learning goals. She appreciates HRP Education's balanced focus on supporting both learners and staff, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, tailored teaching.

Outside of Work: When she's not helping students, Nina enjoys cooking and exploring new recipes. Her culinary interests provide a delightful contrast to her professional life.

Dream Travel Destination: If given the chance, Nina would love to travel to Barbados, a dream destination that promises relaxation and adventure.

Favourite Book: Nina's favourite story is "The Wizard of Oz," a classic tale that she finds enchanting despite the menacing flying monkeys.

Favourite Quote: "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." This quote resonates deeply with Nina, reminding her of the importance of learning from the past, living in the present, and hoping for the future.

Grateful For: Nina feels grateful for the opportunity to help others throughout her life, a sentiment that underscores her dedication to her profession and her students.

Advice to Younger Self: Reflecting on her journey, Nina would advise her younger self to focus on personal growth, emphasising that self-investment is key to building a good future.

Proudest Accomplishment: Among her many achievements, Nina is particularly proud of helping young learners with disabilities gain access to further education and secure jobs, making a significant impact on their lives.

Learning: Currently, Nina is on a personal journey to learn more about herself and understand the impact she has made on others. This introspection highlights her commitment to continuous growth and self-improvement.

Nina's dedication to her students and her ongoing pursuit of personal and professional development make her a cherished member of the HRP Education family.