Sam Sheppard - Service Director
About Sam: Sam Sheppard has been an integral part of HRP Education since its inception four years ago. As the Director of Service, Sam is dedicated to helping students succeed, especially those who are often seen as beyond hope. He believes deeply in the transformative power of education and has witnessed firsthand the difference it can make in students' lives.
Passion: Sam is passionate about expanding HRP Education’s reach and impact. His vision is to create a school that caters to students who don’t fit the traditional education mold, providing them with opportunities to realise their full potential.
Outside of Work: When he's not at work, Sam enjoys immersing himself in virtual reality, where he can often be found in his flight simulator chair, exploring the cosmos as a space delivery man.
Dream Travel Destination: Sam dreams of visiting a Nordic-esque locale, ideally living inside an extinct volcano by the water and at the base of a mountain.
Favourite Book/Film: Currently, Sam is captivated by the First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. He is also a big fan of Quentin Tarantino films.
Grateful For: Today, Sam is grateful for his sense of smell, particularly enjoying the aroma of freshly ground coffee.
Advice to Younger Self: "It's okay to be weird, it's okay to not fit the mould."
Proudest Accomplishment: Among his many achievements, Sam is particularly proud of starting his journey with his partner against the odds, considering it the best decision he ever made.
Learning: Sam is currently focused on mastering metacognition, striving to learn how to learn better.